Welcome to the website for Carol and Herb Klitzner. These pages showcase some of our professional work as well as our personal interests.

We are both professional writers, and Herb is also an independent researcher currently working on a book about the future of technology and how it impacts individuals.

UP of Michigan where we love to vacation (maybe again in 2021)

Herb is an independent researcher on technology and on values in a historical context, with a focus on European-American historical research areas such as  Lithuanian Unitarian history and German-American New York history connected with Ethical Culture in New York, and also with the Slocum disaster in 1904. 

Herb also is a forecaster of technology trends.

See Herb’s Pages

Carol is a technical writer at Digital Asset, the creators of DAML, the smart contract language for securely creating and executing multiparty workflows. Carol is proud of her Finnish heritage on her father’s side (thus the Finlandia University t-shirt in the photo, taken in Hancock, Michigan, a town with an important Finnish-American history) as well as of her mother’s diverse ethnic history (English, Scotch-Irish, Italian). Carol’s interests include photography (with a simple camera and cellphone) and cooking, along with reading history, biography, mysteries, and children’s literature.

We also host the Greater New York Chapter of the Betsy-Tacy Society, a group devoted to enjoying and discussing the words of children’s book author Maud Hart Lovelace.

All content on this site Copyright 2020 Carol and Herbert Klitzner except where indicated

WIP: 12/2020